Automotive recyclers are sceptical

Within the automotive recycling industry there is growing concern about future economic developments, according to a recent survey of participants at the International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2019. The survey shows that around 38 per cent expect economic conditions for Mehr

New E-Mobility and Circular Economy conference EMCE 2019

. “Transforming business models to meet economic, environmental and political objectives. Join the conversation!” ICM AG is an international leader with over 20 years’ experience in organising conferences specialised in the recycling of vehicles, electronics and batteries. Building on the many years’ experience and Mehr

Business networking in front of a fantastic snow backdrop

Personal exchanges, cultivating existing contacts and initiating new business relationships: Hardly any other congress offers such a good networking platform for the electronics recycling industry as the International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC. Last week, around 450 industry representatives came to Mehr

18th International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC 2019

The setting for the International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC 2019 could hardly be more beautiful: This year’s International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC) 2019 began on Wednesday (16 January) amidst a magnificent snowy landscape. Around 450 representatives from the recycling industry, Mehr