Good sweepers have predominantly been single-purpose vehicles, as attachment solutions were unable to match the specialists. The KS 1200 sweeping machine developed specifically for Holder is setting new standards in this field. It comes with many innovative functions that make the driver’s working life much easier. The suction hose running down the side of the vehicle states a significant advantage – the ease of accessibility means that it can be used as fully integrated manual suction. This design also ensures a much easier maintenance and cleaning of the suction hose. The asymmetrical sweeping brush and the aerodynamically optimised suction nozzle provide excellent cleaning results.

The hopper is made of high-performance stainless steel and has a gross volume of 1200 litres. Combined with the smart water recirculation system, the water remains in the container if it is tipped, ensuring a high reach. The sweeping width is 1900 mm in the standard version and can be extended by a third brush.

The KS 1200 is perfectly aligned with Holder’s mid-range implement carriers (50 to 67 HP). Its narrow design and agile articulated steering enable narrow pavements and park paths, large car parks and entire residential and industrial areas to be cleaned efficiently. The KS 1200 has also been designed to run extremely quietly.

Here too, the Holder System is consistently designed to be multifunctional – the sweeper-suction combination can be converted into a full-sized mowing-machine in under five minutes and without changing the container. A high-pressure cleaner for cleaning the vehicle or difficult-to-reach objects is also integrated.

Über die Kärcher Municipal GmbH

Max Holder GmbH is a renowned manufacturer of multifunctional vehicles for municipal applications. Customers in a large number of countries rely on the Holder brand for lawn care, road/path cleaning, transportation tasks, earthmoving, plant protection, foliage work, winter maintenance and numerous special applications. Founded in 1888, the long-established company from Metzingen (Germany) offers complete solutions and services from a single source: Multifunctional carrier vehicles, suitable attachment technology, individual services and flexible hire plans.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Kärcher Municipal GmbH
Mahdenstraße 8
72768 Reutlingen
Telefon: +49 (7195) 903-0
Telefax: +49 (7123) 966-213

Franziska Reiche
Leitung Marketing und Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (7123) 966-281
Fax: +49 (7121) 930729-213
4C Consumer Insight GmbH
Telefon: +49 (30) 806178-82
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