UVC LEDs are beginning to become more and more accepted in the large-scale disinfection of water, air, and surfaces. Representatives at LG Innotek and LASER COMPONENTS were able to prove this to numerous customers during a trip through Germany, Austria, and Switzerland that lasted several days.

“In the last two years a lot has happened in the UVC spectrum,” explains Dr. Olga Stroh-Vasenev, product engineer for UV LEDs, laser diodes, and photodiodes at LASER COMPONENTS.

“Single-chip power has more than tripled in this period from 30 mW to 100 mW. Accordingly, the number of possible applications has also increased.” Many companies are now approaching the manufacturer and its sales partner with concrete ideas. Together with customers, Dr. Stroh-Vasenev and her colleagues from Korea developed ideas and solutions for the practical implementation of these wishes. “Interest in UV LEDs continues uninterrupted and is growing all the time,” says Luis Sim from business development at LG Innotek. “For us, Europe is a particularly attractive market with many innovative but also very demanding companies. Therefore, we are glad to have LASER COMPONENTS as a sales partner because they are used to handling specialized customer requests. It is important to us for our customers to have a local contact with whom they can plan and negotiate in their native language at any time without a time difference.”

LASER COMPONENTS has been LG Innotek’s European sales partner for UV LEDs since 2014.

More Information www.lasercomponents.com/de-en/lasers/leds-sleds/uv-leds/ 

Trade Shows

US Hydro, March 19 – 21, 2019, Biloxi, MS, USA, Booth 49
BREKO Fiberdays, March 27 – 28, 2019, Wiesbaden, Germany, Booth 520
Automate, April 08 – 11, 2019, Chicago, IL, USA, Booth 8536
SPIE DCS, April 16 – 18, 2019, Baltimore, MD, USA, Booth 524
ANGACOM, June 04 – 06, 2019, Cologne, Germany, Booth 7.B9
Photonex Glasgow, June 05, 2019, University of Strathclyde, UK, Booth G25
Sensors Expo & Conference, June 25 – 27, 2019, San Jose, CA, USA, Booth 419
LASER World of PHOTONICS, June 24 – 27, 2019, Munich, Germany, Booth B3.303
SPIE Optics+Photonics, August 13 – 15, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA, Booth 425
ECOC, September 22 – 26, 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Booth 337

Über die Laser Components Germany GmbH

LASER COMPONENTS specializes in the development, manufacture, and sale of components and services in the laser and optoelectronics industry. At LASER COMPONENTS, we have been serving customers since 1982 with sales branches in five different countries. We have been producing in house since 1986 with production facilities in Germany, Canada, and the United States. In-house production makes up approximately half of our sales revenue. A family-run business, we have more than 230 employees worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Laser Components Germany GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15
82140 Olching
Telefon: +49 (8142) 2864-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 2864-11

Stephan Börner
Telefon: +49 (8142) 2864-702
Fax: +49 (8142) 2864-11
Claudia Michalke
Telefon: +49 (8142) 2864-85
Fax: +49 (8142) 2864-11
E-Mail: presse@lasercomponents.com
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