Weight savings is essential in racing. The competitive advantage can be gained with the best, light weight design. Every gram that can be saved on the racing car can make it faster and more agile. Victory or defeat can be determined by only one millisecond.

FEINGUSS BLANK developed the best investment casting solution for such a racing car using the "Digital Twin" performance package. As part of a manufacturing cooperation and using our know-how, FEINGUSS BLANK was able to significantly reduce the component weight.

FEINGUSS BLANK has recently developed and successfully implemented this service package to our customers. Thanks to new technologies, an investment casting part can be fully optimized by utilizing the Digital Twin package before a single part is manufactured.

The Digital Twin by FEINGUSS BLANK is the key to sustaining customer added value. By implementing modern simulation methods, it is possible to simulate the essential steps in production and identify and eliminate possible concerns at an early stage.

The "Digital Twin" service package includes the following features, among others:

Material simulation

What is the right material and heat treatment for the respective application?

FEM calculation

Does the component withstand the application loading?

Casting and solidification simulation

Can the component be easily and economically casted?

Topology optimization

Can the geometry be optimized according to the loads and the casting process?

By means of these simulations, material recommendations, feasibility analysis, and part optimizations can be determined for the customer. Based on the findings of the Digital Twin, the following investment casting process can be realized:

– a safe, economical process through recognition and utilization of cost saving potentials

– complex geometries and the processing of difficult materials

– reduction of processing efforts through highest casting precision combined with intelligent lightweight construction

– reduction and minimization of development times

– weight optimization and reduction of material usage

– reduction of development and production start-up costs

The advantages of the Digital Twin by FEINGUSS BLANK are obvious:

Different versions or iterations can be digitally tested finding the best possible option. The concept is reinforced by utilizing various methods of additive manufacturing. Once the design has been fixed, advanced samples and/or prototypes can be quickly produced using 3D printing technology. Cost-intensive tool production is no longer necessary. This combination of digital preparation and rapid availability of the initial components makes the difference. This saves development time and costs while significantly reducing the time to market introduction.

In addition to cost savings, our customers benefit from project security by having a reliable, competent development partner. Originally, the wheel carrier, which was part of the development project in the production cooperation, was fully machined. Now, with the help of our development know-how and corresponding simulations, the optimized casted geometry was developed based on application loading and further enhanced for the casting process.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Texmo Blank Germany GmbH
Industriestr. 18
88499 Riedlingen
Telefon: +49 (7371) 1820

Manuela Schmid
Telefon: +49 (7371) 182-200
Fax: +49 (7371) 18244-200
E-Mail: manuela.schmid@feinguss-blank.de
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