The GBA Group is strengthening its capabilities in the field of food analysis by acquiring the company Technischen Lebensmittel- und Umweltanalytik (TeLA). The move helps the GBA Group expand its analytical portfolio and strengthen its regional presence in Northwestern Germany.

TeLA was founded in 2003 and provides chemical analyses of the following product groups: fish, fruit & vegetables, tea & spices, dietary supplements, and dairy products. With their high-quality service, expertise concerning methods, and high degree of flexibility when responding to current quality management issues, TeLA has been able to develop into a recognized partner of the food industry in recent years.

Dr. Roland Bernerth, Global Head of GBA Group Food states: “With TeLA’s expertise in quickly developing new analytical methods, along with their strong position in the fields of fish and dietary supplement analysis, we have a competent partner by our side. Together, we can tap into new markets and develop further.”

Dr. Norbert Helle, CEO and founder of TeLA says: “The merger opens up excellent opportunities for us to profit from the GBA Group’s broad company network and offer our customers an expanded range of services.”


The GBA Group, founded in 1989, brings together a network of dynamic companies providing laboratory analysis and related services to customers in three major sectors: food, environment, and pharmaceuticals. The focus is on providing solutions that meet the needs of the customers in combination with scientific and technical expertise. The expert employees maintain a strong emphasis on providing high-quality service by communicating with customers intensively.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Goldtschmidtstraße 5
21073 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 797172-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 797172-27

Sabine Nest
Head of Corporate Communication
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