Endress+Hauser has been placed in the top ranking of companies in the EcoVadis sustainability audit for the fourth time in a row. The Group again improved its overall result: with 72 points, Endress+Hauser is now among the leading two percent of all suppliers in the comparison group.

Since 2013 Endress+Hauser has been evaluated annually by EcoVadis with regards to sustainability; since 2016 the Group has regularly achieved Gold Recognition Level ratings. The company again scored well or very well in the areas examined, namely environmental protection, fair business practices, sustainable procurement, working conditions and human rights. This makes Endress+Hauser one of the best rated companies in the comparison group.

Valuable contribution to sustainable development

“The challenges of the future demand that we and our customers manage our businesses sustainably,” emphasized Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group. “We help our customers to increase their resource efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions, avoid waste and improve the circular economy through outstanding measurement technology and automation solutions.”

The company also makes its own contribution to keeping its ecological footprint as small as possible. For example, Endress+Hauser increasingly supplies buildings and infrastructure with sustainably generated energy or reduces travel, for example through virtual meetings. The EcoVadis report also highlights progress at management level, especially in dealing with issues such as environmental protection, working conditions and human rights and fair business practices.

Analysis based on global comparisons

EcoVadis uses 21 environmental, social and ethical criteria to evaluate companies worldwide in terms of their sustainability. In addition to an industry comparison, companies also receive suggestions for improvement. They can also use an internet platform to assess their own suppliers accordingly. According to EcoVadis, this network now encompasses 60,000 companies worldwide.

Endress+Hauser publishes detailed information on the EcoVadis report and the sustainability audit at www.endress.com/ecovadis 

Über Endress+Hauser Process Solutions

Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement and automation technology for process and laboratory applications. The family company, headquartered in Reinach, Switzerland, achieved net sales of over 2.6 billion euros in 2019 with a total workforce of 14,000.

Endress+Hauser devices, solutions and services are at home in many industries. Customers thus use them to gain valuable knowledge from their applications. This enables them to improve their products, work economically and at the same time protect people and the environment.

Endress+Hauser is a reliable partner worldwide. Its own sales companies in 50 countries as well as representatives in another 70 countries ensure competent support. Production facilities on five continents manufacture quickly and flexibly to the highest quality standards.

Endress+Hauser was founded in 1953 by Georg H Endress and Ludwig Hauser. Ever since, the company has been pushing ahead with the development and use of innovative technologies, now helping to shape the industry’s digital transformation. 8,000 patents and applications protect the Group’s intellectual property.

For further information, please visit www.endress.com/media-center or www.endress.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Endress+Hauser Process Solutions
Kägenstrasse 2
CH4153 Reinach BL
Telefon: +41 (61) 715-7300
Telefax: +41 (61) 715-7301

Martin Raab
Head of Public and Internal Communication
Telefon: +41 (61) 715-7722
Fax: +41 (61) 715-2888
E-Mail: martin.raab@holding.endress.com
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