ENGST are always good for a surprise and regularly cause a sensation with unusual promotions. The fact that, due to the global corona pandemic, you can’t get together as usual and shoot a music video, for example, doesn’t stop the guys from being creative and innovative at full speed.

With their upcoming EP »Vier Gesichter«, the Berliners prove once again that they work a little differently than other bands – true to their motto:
"We don’t fit into any drawer, we are the whole closet".

The 4 new tracks pay homage to the very personal musical roots of each individual band member. They are also a thank you to the fans who supported the band even in the tough times of the pandemic and made their loyalty possible with the purchase of concert tickets and the fantastic Top 20 charts entry of the current album »Schöne neue Welt«.

The »Vier Gesichter« EP will appear in a limited physical edition as CD EP and 12 "EP in addition to the usual digital versions and will contain the piano version of the track ‘Zu Hause’ as a bonus track.

The band gave the following statement about the release:
“In these challenging times you supported ENGST incredibly blatantly and as promised we want to thank you with new music. In the following months, we will be releasing four new tracks to sweeten your time without concerts. We’ll see you on our tour next year and tear down together, just like we did before these crazy times.

»Vier Gesichter« – get your hands on the limited CDs & LPs now:

Purchase, Streaming the first single ‚Dunkelheit‚ now

More info:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arising Empire Tonträger Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Oeschstr. 40
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (7162) 9280-45

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