Raynet, global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of enterprise software management, picks up the developments of the market with the release of RayPack Studio in the new version 7.0 and sets new standards in the software packaging and virtualization industry.

The rapid development of new technologies, increased demands on the IT infrastructure and the growing number of remote working workstations pose great challenges for many companies, especially in the area of software packaging and virtualization. With the release of RayPack Studio 7.0, the Paderborn-based IT specialist delivers revolutionary innovations and functions, paired with a unique and intuitive user experience, to make daily work in the field of enterprise software packaging more efficient and successful than ever.

RayPack Studio 7.0 offers the following feature highlights and added values:

Raynet sets new industry standard for software packaging market: RayPackage

The new RayPackage technology revolutionizes the traditional concept of software packaging by restructuring the classic process and significantly simplifying work steps. Important parameters and data are automatically read by the intelligent wizard and can be added to the project through numerous, preconfigured options via a simple dropdown.

"It’s a way for anyone to become a software packager," says Ragip Aydin, managing director of Raynet. "Our new technology does not require deep hands-on experience. This makes enterprise software packaging accessible and actionable for everyone."

A smart move that the software vendor has integrated into its product solution. Because in this way, Raynet opens the doors for high-quality and cost-effective application deployment for both large and smaller companies.

RayPackage not only offers complete flexibility and a high degree of automation during packaging, but also simplified processes during software creation through the integrated one-click configuration. This results in high-cost savings that customers benefit from immediately.

Users are thus able to configure any software packaging type, whether MSIX, PowerShell, MSI, MST or others. Editing of the packages can be done without dependency on the software distribution tools, as they are created generically. The packages are ready to use in various deployment solutions, such as RayManageSoft, Intune, SCCM, DSM, Landesk and many more.

RayPackage is used to include various sources, formats and resources that support the installation. This provides the package with all the data and information it needs. The fully integrated PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit provides custom scalability with hundreds of functions and modules.

Less complexity, more productivity: Package Store

In order to make the daily work enormously easier, pre-configured, analyzed, and distributable software packages from the Package Store are available for direct processing in RayPack Studio. These packages already provide the best practices defined by Raynet as well as all further configuration options offered by the respective software. The sources no longer have to be imported manually but are downloaded with one click and automatically stored in the project.

Wonderful simple: Intuitive UI & Windows Authentication

The user interface for Virtual Machines has been improved with a structured overview, making it easier for users to work with. Hyper-V users in particular benefit from numerous performance optimizations that not only simplify configuration, but also speed up conversion and repackaging to Hyper-V by allowing multiple files to be added at once

The new Windows Authentication feature also enables a more efficient process for connecting to Hyper-V servers.

Always up to date: MSIX & PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit

Through the technology partnership with Microsoft, Raynet is able as one of the first vendors to provide the market with first-to-market features related to MSIX and Microsoft operating systems.

As a result, this version also supports the latest Windows 10 update, Windows 10 21H1 (May 2021 Update -10.0.19043.0), as well as the industry standard technology update PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.

The full feature highlights and information on RayPack Studio 7.0 are available at any time at this link.

Über die Raynet GmbH

Raynet is a global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of Enterprise Software Management. Following the mission "Discover to manage", Raynet offers the market unique products covering all technologies.

In addition to the headquarters in Paderborn, Raynet has further locations in Germany, the USA, Poland, and the UK. With more than 100 highly qualified employees, Raynet has been supporting well-known customers and partners worldwide in their projects with its portfolio since 1999 – from Technology Asset Inventory and Software Asset Management to Software Packaging and Workflow Management to Unified Endpoint Management.

Raynet also maintains strong partnerships with the leading companies in this industry. Raynet products are unique in design and functionality. Their development is highly driven by customers and partners, who play an important role in product optimization and are the main reason why they always occupy a top position.

Whether a new SAM project is to be set up or a deployment tool introduced, a packaging factory planned, or a migration carried out – Raynet is always the best-of-breed partner for all products, services and solutions of Application Lifecycle Management for Enterprises.

Further information: www.raynet.de/en

Contact Raynet:
Isabella Borth

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 20
33100 Paderborn

T: +49 (0) 5251 54009-2425

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29

Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing Officer
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-2425
Fax: +49 (5251) 54009-29
E-Mail: i.borth@raynet.de
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