Intelligent traffic systems using smart cameras for object detection, behavior identification and traffic flow monitoring, help managing traffic more easily, reducing congestion by 10% to 15% and lowering communication costs by up to 85%. In addition to traditional traffic signal controls, dynamic signal controls adapt to the current traffic situation. In this context, Innodisk’s InnoAGE™ series offers a comprehensive recovery portfolio from out-of-band management the IoT edge devices used in intelligent traffic systems. With this solution, remote recovery is possible even for devices that have experienced severe issues such as data corruption and operating system failures.

The InnoAGE™ SSD enables multifunctional management with intelligent data analysis and updating, data security and remote control via the cloud. Secure communication between the SSD and the cloud is ensured through the use of Microsoft Azure Sphere. The InnoAGE™ SSD provides an easy-to-use interface. The firmware developed by Innodisk receives commands from Azure Sphere via a second connection. Therefore, it is able to perform SSD debugging messages as well as monitor read/write behavior patterns to extend the life of the storage device. System operators can quickly return to default settings in the event of a device or system crash via the cloud-based dashboard. The InnoAGE™ Industrial Grade SSD is designed for both in-band and out-of-band network management, enabling full recovery even if the operating system has crashed or is so severely compromised that in-band management would be of little use.

In-band management is provided by Avalue’s RS2 (RENITY SENTINEL 2) solution, a platform with real-time remote monitoring and management. It integrates hardware, software and cloud platforms. In doing so, it collects data, minimizes downtime and controls remote devices. At the same time, it evaluates the performance of all remote systems to promote efficient and reliable operations. With the integrated out-of-band management solution, devices can be remotely powered on and off, reset operations can be initiated and the system can be fully restored. RS2 provides timely device monitoring, real-time alerts and correlation of logs and events for troubleshooting. In addition, Avalue’s solution restores the host operating system in the event of a crash and reanimates the host by automatically backing up critical data. A dashboard synchronously displays device status, CPU utilization, memory utilization, memory lifetime, memory health and key index. It can be integrated with custom developments. Avalue’s solution can manage up to 2,500 devices simultaneously.

This gives the IoT infrastructure is thus equipped with dual-band management with reliable and intelligent edge devices. Avalue works with Innodisk on RS2 Cloud Management and combines its software and hardware with Innodisk’s InnoAgeTM.


Intelligent traffic systems using smart cameras for object detection, behavior identification, and traffic flow monitoring help to manage traffic more easily, reduce congestion by 10% to 15%, and reduce communication costs by up to 85%. In addition to traditional traffic signal controls, dynamic signal controls adapt to the current traffic situation.

In this context, Innodisk’s InnoAGE™ series offer a comprehensive recovery portfolio from out-of-band management for the IoT edge devices used in intelligent traffic systems. With this solution, remote recovery is possible even for devices that have experienced severe issues such as data corruption and operating system failure.

In-band management is handled by Avalue’s RS2 (RENITY SENTINEL 2) solution, a platform with real-time remote monitoring and management. It integrates hardware, software and cloud platforms. In doing so, it collects data, minimizes downtime and controls remote devices. At the same time, it evaluates the performance of all remote systems to promote efficient and reliable operations.

#AIoT #outofbandmanagement

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Innodisk Europe B.V.
Pisanostraat 57
NL5623CB Eindhoven
Telefon: +49 (152) 5100 6027

Edgar Huber
Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
Joyce Srithananan
Joyce Srithananan +31-40-200-20-17
Telefon: +31 (40) 20020-17
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