The City of Leipzig has made the decision to suspend some of its cultural operations beyond the parameters laid out in the Emergency Corona Ordinance for the Free State of Saxony: The city’s municipal entities – which include the Oper Leipzig, Gewandhaus, Schauspiel, and the Theater der Jungen Welt – will cancel all performances through 9 January 2022. This decision was reached at the mayor’s official meeting on 23 November 2021.

Prof. Ulf Schirmer, Intendant and General Music Director of the Oper Leipzig, voiced his support for this decision: »We have always known that an escalating situation in this pandemic would require additional measures, and we are now seeing that put into action. At the core of our consideration is, first and foremost, the safety and welfare of our audiences and our employees. As a result, and in close cooperation with the City of Leipzig and other cultural institutions, we are doing our part to ensure that we will soon be able to experience musical theater together again, as our shared feelings and emotions are made tangible in a spirit of togetherness. This type of interpersonal contact is our greatest strength, and in times like this, our weak point.«

The Oper Leipzig’s Visitor Services office continues to be available by phone Monday – Saturday from 10am – 7pm. The Opera House Box Office will maintain reduced hours, opening Monday – Friday from 10am – 2pm, and entry will follow a 2G rule, so that only vaccinated or recovered individuals will be admitted. The form for ticket refund or credit is available for download at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Oper Leipzig
Augustusplatz 12
04109 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (341) 1261-0
Telefax: +49 (341) 1261-300

Gudula Kienemund
Pressesprecherin der Oper Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (341) 1261-266
Fax: +49 (341) 1261-384
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