A classical form, repeated. The Arcos collection is a restrained interpretation of Art Deco’s geometric glamor–without the ornamentation. Though lightweight and quiet, Arcos maintains a graphic presence due to its signature cast aluminum armrests that form twin curves evoking the elegant rhythm of archways in the corridors and walkways of classical architecture.

The Arcos collection mirrors its classical source of inspiration in both form and context. Designed with public spaces in mind, the collection features a chair, lounge chair and sofa, all with armrests to accommodate lounge, dining, and waiting room settings. Arcos is designed to be in dialogue with Steeve, Parentesit and Cross to create comfortable environments for rest, relaxation and socializing. Special care was dedicated to the color customizations with the possibility to create a monochrome of velvet-like, inky hues in both upholstery and matte lacquer metal for an expression that signals understated expression.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arper SPA
Via Lombardia, 16
I31050 Monastier di Treviso (TV)
Telefon: +39 (0422) 7918
Telefax: +39 (0422) 791800

Hannah Knospe
Telefon: +49 (221) 9139490
E-Mail: arper@neumann-communication.de
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