Salt-Water Sandal embraces generation Z technologies in live streaming its press presentation, hosted by Moni virtual avatar.

The presentation is organized by the press office of the brand – IMONI Studios and its Showroom on its Youtube Channel on Wednesday, 15th June at 3 PM.

The heritage retro-chic, Salt-Water Sandal’s story is that of a sustainable product from its first pair of sandals. Created from scrap leathers, due to material shortages, during WWII, Salt-Water Sandals‘ foremost mottos were and still are: resourcefulness and longevity.

Material shortages are a recurrent issue today, due to consecutive crises we all bear witness to. Ecological concerns furthered the need to revisit the slow-fashion concept which is at the heart of Salt-Water Sandal’s creation. Its timeless styles do not change on the whim of fashion trends and yet continue to grow organically!

The cost of living is ever-increasing and lowering disposable income for many. This should not mean dressing down, but rather it is high time to buy once and buy well – as these are the only sandals people will ever need. Salt-Water sandals are such classics that the love of these sandals is passed down through generations, with moms introducing the little Salties to their kids and siblings passing pairs from one another! Worn summer after summer, the sandals are easily washed and maintained. The durability & longevity of Salt-Water Sandals is attested by the testimonials of their thousands of fans!

Salt-Water Sandal hopes to see you at its upcoming livestream on Youtube

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To learn more about the brand and download its press material, please see:

Our respectful greetings,

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Salt-Water Sandal adopte les technologies de la génération Z en diffusant en direct sa presentation de presse, animated par un avatar virtuel Moni

La presentation est Organized by the press agency of the brand – IMONI Studios and their Showroom, on the Chaîne YouTube le mercredi 15 June at 15h.

Au heritage retro-chic, the history of the Salt-Water Sandal is the celle of a durable product made for a premiere pair. Créées à partir de cuirs recyclé, en raison de pénuries de matériaux, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les sandales Salt-Water étaient et sont toujours synonymes d’ingéniosité et de longévité.

La pénurie de matériaux est un problem récurrent aujourd’hui, en raison des crises consécutives dont nous sommes tous témoins. Les préoccupations écologiques ont renforcé le besoin de revisiter le concept de slow-fashion qui est au cœur de la creation de Salt-Water Sandal. Ses styles intemporels ne changed pas au great des tendances de la mode et continuent pourtant à se developper de manière organique!

Le coût de la vie ne cesse d’augmenter et reduit le income available de beaucoup. Cela ne doit pas signifier qu’il faut ne faut pas s’habiller, mais plutôt qu’il est grand temps d’acheter une fois et de bien choisir – car ce sont les seules sandales dont les gens auront jamais besoin. Les Salt-Water Sandals sont de tels classiques que l’amour de ces sandals se transmet de génération en génération, les mamans present les petites salties à leurs enfants et les frères et sœurs se passant les pairs entre eux ! Portées été après été, ces sandals sont faciles à laver et à entretir. The durability and longevity of the Salt-Water sandal are attested by the temperatures of the milliers of the fans!

Salt-Water Sandal espère vous voir lors de son prochain live Stream sur  Youtube .

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Pour en savoir plus sur la marque et télécharger son matériel de presse, veuillez consulter : .

Nos respectueuses salutations,

Über Salt-Water Sandals UK & EU

Salt-Water Sandals UK & EU, is the distributor of Salt-Water Sandals, an American heritage brand created in 1944, under the direction of Rachel Laine, CEO.

IMONI Studios is a consulting firm in digital marketing and Press Relations specialized in design, fashion & lifestyle, based in France, in Paris.

Salt-Water Sandals UK & EU, est le distributeur de Salt-Water Sandals, marque patrimoniale américaine créée depuis 1944, sous la direction de Rachel Laine, P.D.G.

IMONI Studios est un cabinet conseils en marketing digital et Relation Presse spécialisé design, mode & lifestyle, basé en France, à Paris.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Salt-Water Sandals UK & EU
Unit G05 Regent Studios, 1 Thane Villas
GBN7 7PH London
Telefon: +442072818499

Ms. Monika Rab, Director
Telefon: +33153830902
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