Today at the Digital Enterprise Show in Málaga, Dyanix, a leading provider of digital transformation solutions, launched a new solution – Workspace 365.
Together, Dyanix and Workspace 365 will help organisations in the EMEA region to simplify their employees’ work by bringing together all of their apps, communication tools and documents into one central workspace.

An employee-centric digital workspace
Workspace 365, a browser-based workspace, is a solution that automatically adapts to each individual by only showing the applications, information and documents relevant to them. With Single Sign-on, employees only have to log in once to gain access to all of their applications from any device or location. Additionally, the workspace can be branded with the organisation’s colours and logo.

“I, myself am a strong advocate for Workspace 365 having introduced it first at Dyanix,” says Peter de Boer, CEO of Dyanix. “Workspace 365 is an essential component of any successful digital transformation strategy and we are excited to offer it as part of our growing portfolio of solutions.”

Enabling partners
Dyanix enables its partners in digital transformation by acting as a gateway for vendors such as Workspace 365, and creating new opportunities for our resellers. With this partnership, Dyanix will be able to offer Workspace 365 to its resellers to help them to increase their productivity and streamline company processes.

Workspace 365 was founded in the Netherlands in 2010, with a mission to maximise the impact of people by conquering complexity and simplify work-life.

Über Dyanix B.V.

Dyanix is a leading solutions provider in the broad area of digital transformation. As an expert with over 20 years of experience in scanning and capture the company offers the best and leading hardware and software solutions to its customers. Besides this, the company offers innovative solutions to
increase productivity, company processes, possibilities in analysis and storage. On top of this, Dyanix has a complete range of services to support partners on many levels. The company aims to have sustainable relationships with its partners; it is a gateway for vendors and, at the same, it creates new opportunities for its resellers and end users.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Dyanix B.V.
Duwboot 15
NL3991 CD Houten
Telefon: +31 10 798-1060
Telefax: +31 10 798-1075

Annelies Dekker
Vice President Marketing
Telefon: +31 (0)6 147 25 669
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