• Arvato Systems and DFKI’s Smart Service Engineering (SSE) research area enter sales and development partnership
  • Both companies invest in innovation and development to expand the joint offering of AI-driven solutions

(Arvato Systems) Gütersloh – Arvato Systems and the Smart Service Engineering research unit of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) have entered a sales and development partnership. The joint strategic goal of the partnership is to optimally support customers on their way to becoming a data-driven company with the help of innovations in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the crucial technologies of the future, which is already being used in companies in a wide range of industries. AI-driven systems can realize efficient solutions for business challenges and thus contribute decisively to business success. Smart Service Engineering focuses on research in the areas of conceptual modeling as well as the systematic development of smart services, the application of semantic web technologies, and the development of technological smart service platforms.

"As part of our partnership, we support companies in driving the Digital Transformation and accelerating the use of Artificial Intelligence," says Niels Pothmann, Head of Intelligent Automation at Arvato Systems. "Together, we will realize innovative AI services with our customers to increase the efficiency and quality of business processes and significantly simplify corporate decision-making."

The partnership will focus on supporting companies in setting up so-called "AI factories." Structured approaches are used first to identify a portfolio of potentially implementable use cases. Step by step, prototypes are developed to create a scaling AI service that integrates seamlessly into the company’s existing applications, processes, and systems.

"Making decisions based on gut instinct alone is a thing of the past," says Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Maaß, head of the Smart Service Engineering research area at DFKI. "In a rapidly changing world, smart services help adapt decisions to reality better."

Über Arvato Systems

Global IT specialist Arvato Systems supports major companies in Digital Transformation. About 3,100 staff in over 25 locations stand for in-depth technology expertise, industry knowledge, and focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As a part of the Bertelsmann-owned Arvato network, we have the unique capability to work across the entire value chain. Our business relationships are personal; we work with our clients as partners so that together we can achieve long-term success. www.arvato-systems.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arvato Systems
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 18
33333 Gütersloh
Telefon: +49 (5241) 80-80888
Telefax: +49 (5241) 80-80666

Marcus Metzner
Chief Marketing Officer
E-Mail: press@arvato-systems.de
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