The high demand for our JACK POTT continued over the past few weeks and our marketing team couldn’t figure it out at first what triggered this surge. No special ad campaign had been launched, none of our B2B customers had a big event; what was going on? As is so often the case with trends, the origin was initially unclear. Then we got a hint!

As a Facebook user was looking desperately for a particular keyring and had mentioned TROIKA in his search, the title of a new Netflix series popped up: Extraordinary Attorney Woo.What does it have to do with our JACK POTT? Several users had already exchanged in the FB feed information about online shops that may be carrying the keyring JACK POTT, then further down the feed "Sold out everywhere!" written by a shocked user. We finally stumbled over the Netflix trailer and there it was, our JACK POTT key ring, right in the intro, hanging proudly on the Protagonist Woo’s handbag!

This is where the customers‘ desire to buy originated from. The phenomenon known as the "Stranger Things" effect had "caught" us.
It’s amazing how quickly trends are created these days, and how fast they disappear too, unfortunately.

Nobody expected that, Woo Young-Woo, the leading character of the series, would catapult our 2018 JACK POTT keychain back to the top sellers.

The singer Kate Bush and the band Metallica recently regained popularity; their 80s hits were featured in the 2022 Netflix series Stranger Things and re-entered the charts.
We are delighted and have increased our orders to fulfil demand, we hope to deliver our JACK POTT to all fans of the series as soon as possibleIt will be available again soon!

Just check at your local gift shop or online and get yourself a JACK POTT!

Click HERE to get to the online shop. For those who Woo Young-Woo doesn’t mean anything to, know this much: We have many trendy keychains on offer, other than a whale. Find your very own favourite!
Until then, we’ll let ourselves be surprised by the next Trend…



TROIKA has been developing gift ideas in Germany and selling them worldwide since 1992.
Our products combine surprising innovations, practical functions and refreshing design. Renowned international designers and design offices and promising newcomers support us with their creativity. In the manufacture of TROIKA products, we focus on sustainability and take responsibility for quality, safety and the environment.

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57629 Müschenbach
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511-0
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Lara Kral
Telefon: +49 (2662) 9511106
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