Thinkproject today announced that as of December 13, 2022, it received an ESG Risk Rating of 9.3 from Morningstar Sustainalytics. The company was assessed to be at negligible risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) factors. As such, it belongs to the top 1 % of the companies rated in the Software & Services industry as well as in the subindustry of Enterprise and Infrastructure Software.

Areas of Strength

Whereas Thinkproject’s management of material ESG issues is strong overall (74.6), the company scores particularly well in the risk management of Data Privacy and Security (100.0), Business Ethics (80.0) and Resource Use (78.0).

"We are extremely proud to have received this outstanding rating – even more so as it is only the first time we went through this exercise.", says Renzo Taal, CEO of Thinkproject. "We owe this to our extensive sustainability programme and of course our team’s hard work in putting it into practice.", he adds.

Thinkproject’s Sustainability Programme

Thinkproject’s sustainability programme covers all aspects of ESG-related topics, among others the areas of Data Privacy and Security, Business Ethics, Resource Use, and Carbon Footprint. A comprehensive overview of the programme can be found here:

Some of the aspects in the programme that led to the strong results in the Sustainalytics rating were inter alia:

  • Data Privacy and Security

Thinkproject disposes of strong cybersecurity and privacy programmes and therefore good governance structures for privacy management. Its employees are regularly trained on data privacy management. The company as well undergoes regular privacy risk assessments and audits. Thinkproject is certified according to ISO 27001 – a standard internationally recognised for security that requires strong establishment, implementation, and maintenance of an information security management system.

  • Business Ethics

Thinkproject has developed and follows strong business ethics policies, such as for Bribery and Corruption, Lobbying or Political Involvement. Internal programs and systems make sure that none of those topics are dismissed and that they are thoroughly monitored. Employees are trained regularly on business ethics topics.

  • Resource Use

Thinkproject has developed strong environmental policies and an environmental management system. Also, it monitors the impact it has on the climate through climate risk assessment and water intensity ratios. To keep track of the efforts, the company has developed a management document for these topics.

"We are happy that our data privacy and security risk management is best in class.", says Taal. "This proves that our efforts pay off and that our stakeholders can rely on us and on their data being safe. ISO 27001 certification in particular was a big ask by our customers.", he explains. "But having the evidence of our other strengths as well – such as fostering climate-friendliness and high ethical standards – is just as important to us.", adds Taal. "After all, customers and new employees alike increasingly expect companies to provide products that offer environmental or social benefits.", he points out.

Work in Progress

"Of course, sustainability is a work in progress.", CEO Taal smiles. "For us at Thinkproject it is an overarching goal that encompasses the products we offer, the way we do business and the way we act as a company. The Sustainalytics rating is yet another proof of Thinkproject’s strong commitment to a better future.", he is convinced. "Above all, it shows our team’s ceaseless efforts to contribute to building a sustainable tomorrow for our employees and customers as well as for the environment. And it is a strong motivation for us to continue on our path to sustainability."

More information:

About Sustainalytics

Morningstar Sustainalytics, is a leading ESG research, ratings and data firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world’s leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate governance information and assessments into their investment processes. The firm also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies, practices and capital projects. For more information, visit

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Über die thinkproject Deutschland GmbH

Thinkproject is Europe’s leading SaaS provider for Construction Intelligence solutions. The combination of practical experience and the intelligent use of data creates a decisive competitive advantage for customers. Thinkproject is thus at the forefront of digitization and transformation in the AECO industry. With +700 employees worldwide, Thinkproject provides 3,250 customers and more than 300,000 users in over 60 countries with digital solutions that span the entire construction project lifecycle.
For more information, visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

thinkproject Deutschland GmbH
Mühldorfstraße 8
81671 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 930839-300
Telefax: +49 (89) 930839-350

Julia Schreiber
Telefon: +49 (3731) 2070915
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