Raynet, global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of Enterprise Software Management, is proud to announce its inclusion as a Representative Vendor in the Gartner® 2023 Market Guide for Unified Endpoint Management Tools.

The 2023 Gartner Market Guide for Unified Endpoint Management Tools report provides an overview of Unified Endpoint Management tools, as well as a comparison of different solutions, product scope, and price information, giving potential buyers a better understanding of the market. The report does not claim to be comprehensive and inclusion in the report is not an endorsement.

Among its key findings, the report warns, “Single-operating-system (OS)-centric endpoint management platforms (as opposed to multi-OS platforms) fragment operation, which increases cybersecurity risks, inflates overall costs, requires specialized skills and creates an inconsistent digital employee experience (DEX).”

Raynet’s Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solution provides support for a wide variety of the most popular operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, UNIX, Android, iOS, as well as many others. Raynet’s UEM solution has been designed to support endpoint management across large, complex, and heterogeneous environments, so users can streamline and automate their processes. The solution also supports third-party patch management through its integration to the Raynet Package Store, allowing it to manage the full range of devices and software products in a modern business environment. Not only does this approach improve organizational efficiencies, but it also supports rapid and automated vulnerability management, significantly increasing infrastructure security.

Raynet’s UEM solution also offers flexible deployment options, on-premises, in private clouds, as an IaaS instance, or as a turnkey SaaS solution, and its flexible pricing and services mean that the solution is scalable to fit almost any midsized or enterprise environment. Its fully automated, end-to-end processes allow organizations to take a hands-off approach to endpoint management and focus on its business priorities.

“We’re proud to be one of the vendors that are recognized in the Gartner Market Guide report. We have made significant developments this year to ensure that our technologies can manage the truth breadth and complexity of enterprise environments and to provide the automation required for genuine state-of-the-art vulnerability management and patching. So, we’re especially excited to be listed in this year’s report,” says Ragip Aydin, CEO of Raynet.

Gartner, Market Guide for Unified Endpoint Management Tools – September19, 2023.

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Über die Raynet GmbH

Raynet is a global software vendor with market-leading solutions and managed service provider in the field of Enterprise Software Management. Following the mission "Discover to Manage", Raynet offers the market unique products covering all technologies.

In addition to the headquarters in Paderborn, Raynet has further locations in Germany, the USA, Poland, Turkey, and the UK. With more than 140 highly qualified employees, Raynet has been supporting well-known customers and partners worldwide in their projects with its portfolio since 1999 – from Unified Data Management and Software Asset Management to Software Packaging and Workflow Management to Unified Endpoint Management.

Raynet also maintains strong partnerships with the leading companies in this industry. Raynet products are unique in design and functionality. Their development is highly driven by customers and partners, who play an important role in product optimization and are the main reason why they always occupy a top position.

Whether a new SAM project is to be set up or a deployment tool introduced, a packaging factory planned, or a migration carried out – Raynet is always the best-of-breed partner for all products, services and solutions of Application Lifecycle Management for Enterprises.

Further information: www.raynet-inc.com

Contact Raynet:
Isabella Borth

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn

T: +49 (0) 5251 54009-2425

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29

Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing & Growth Officer
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-2425
Fax: +49 (5251) 54009-29
E-Mail: presse@raynet.de
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