BSI Life Sciences has launched BSI CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System) 8.0, the latest version of their eClinical platform. This update includes a variety of new features and modules, marking a major achievement for the company.

"After extensive development and system validation, we’re delighted to announce that the newest CTMS release 8.0 is now available," said Stefan Vogt, BSI Life Sciences CTMS System Architect. "Not only have we created the next version of an exceptional product, we’ve added and enhanced elements specifically geared towards supporting complex needs, including those of large Sponsors and CROs," Vogt added.

The new eClinical tool features the following:

• Feasibility Survey Portal for handling site feasibility questionnaires
• Heatmaps for easy oversight of geographical site distribution
• Enhanced support of Unblinded Monitoring, Issue/PD and Document handling
• Enhanced Trial specific address management
• Enhanced data importing capabilities to support data migration from a multitude of systems
• Various updates on the fully integrated eTMF

"BSI CTMS 8.0 represents a significant milestone for our software team," said Jan Nielsen, Community Manager Life Sciences at BSI. "We’re excited about this launch, especially as it supports large Sponsors and CROs as they perform complex clinical trials. Now, they can more easily migrate from their legacy CTMS systems to BSI CTMS. This is another success we’re proud to celebrate," he noted.

BSI CTMS 8.0 will be implemented by existing and new clients in both North America and Europe through Q2 and Q3 2024. On Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 between 3:00-3:45 pm CET (9:00-9:45 am US EST), BSI Life Sciences will host a free webinar to introduce the latest CTMS upgrade to clinical trial leaders, IT specialists, and other interested attendees.

Participants can confirm their attendance by registering for the Release Webinar here.

Über die BSI Business Systems Integration AG

BSI Life Sciences offers smart eClinical software for CTMS, eTMF and more. BSI makes life science software for people – and has done so for 27+ years. BSI’s software solutions are made in Switzerland, Germany, USA, and anywhere else clients need them to be. They’re both innovative and user-friendly.

BSI focuses its resources on staying ahead of the trends and delivering functional, compliant, and affordable eClinical software. With this mission, BSI helps its customers continuously optimize and accelerate the clinical development process. And that’s what they love!

For more information, please visit: [url=][/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

BSI Business Systems Integration AG
Täfernweg 1
CH5405 Baden
Telefon: +41 (56) 48419-20
Telefax: +41 (56) 48419-30

Inken Martens
Media Contact
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