Harvesting Earth Observation data for offshore renewables: BLUE-X project kicked off to speed up the energy transition

Seven European partners, including offshore renewable energy and Earth Observation specialists, have teamed up for the BLUE-X project. Together, they will develop a satellite-based decision support tool to accelerate offshore renewable energy deployments.   This is the first ​​blue energy Horizon Europe project funded by the EU Mehr

EOMAP has been awarded the CASSINI Prize for Digital Space Applications ‘Eyes on Plastic’ helps fight plastic pollution

At the EU Space Week 2023 in Sevilla, the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has announced the winners of the CASSINI Prize for Digital Space Applications: With the new web app ‘Eyes on Plastic’, EOMAP is one of Mehr

EOMAP erhält CASSINI-Preis für ‘Eyes on Plastic’

Anlässlich der EU Space Week in Sevilla erhielt das deutsche Unternehmen EOMAP einen der hoch dotierten „Cassini Prizes for Digital Space Applications“ für seine Lösung zur Überwachung der Plastikverschmutzung in Gewässern. Mit der Web App „Eyes on Plastic“ lässt sich Plastikmüll Mehr

SDB-Online revamp: New features to map shallow waters within mouse clicks

On the 21st of June, SDB–Online – the first WebApp for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) – is relaunched. After its introduction in June 2022, five new features and workflow improvements have been added to advance the new online solution for mapping Mehr